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Pursuant to the authority vested in me, in light of the emergency circlllllstances caused by

the continuing COVID-1 9 outbreak in New York State and the nation, and consistent with the

Governor of New York's recent executive order suspending statutes of limitation in legal

matters, I direct that, effective immediately and until fmther order, no papers shall be accepted

for filing by a county clerk or a comt in any matter of a type not included on the list of essential

matters attached as Exh. A. This directive applies to both paper and electrnnic filings.

Dated: March 22, 2020

Exhibit A
Essential Proceedings
Administrative Order AO/78/20
March 22, 2020

A. Criminal matters
1. arraignments
2. bail applications, reviews and writs
3. temporary orders of protection
4. resentencing of retained and incarcerated defendants
5. essential sex offender registration act (SORA) matters

B. Family Court
1. child protection intake cases involving removal applications
2. newly filed juvenile delinquency intake cases involving remand placement
applications, or modification thereof
3. emergency family offense petitions/temporary orders of protection
4. orders to show cause
5. stipulations on submission

C. Supreme Court
1. Mental Hygiene Law (MHL) applications and hearings addressing patient retention or
2. MHL hearings addressing the involuntary administration of medication and other
medical care
3. newly filed MHL applications for an assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) plan
4. emergency applications in guardianship matters
5. temporary orders of protection (including but not limited to matters involving
domestic violence)
6. emergency applications related to the coronavirus
7. emergency Election Law applications
8. extreme risk protection orders (ERPO)

D. Civil/Housing matters
1. applications addressing landlord lockouts (including reductions in essential services)
2. applications addressing serious code violations
3. applications addressing serious repair orders
4. applications for post-eviction relief

E. All Courts
1. any other matter that the court deems essential

This list of essential proceedings is subject to ongoing review and amendment as


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